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Anders Hesselbom

Programmerare, skeptiker, sekulärhumanist, antirasist.
Författare till bok om C64 och senbliven lantis.
Röstar pirat.

Declaring multiple variables


In PowerShell, variables are created when they are first used. Just by assigning a value to a variable, that variable is created.

$x = 4

If you assign a different kind of value to that same variable, the type of the variable is changed.

$x = 4
Write-Output $x.GetType()
$x = "Hello"
Write-Output $x.GetType()

To lock a variable to a desired type, you can specify the type on the line where the variable is created. Now, this will fail, because “Hello” is a string value, not an integer.

[int]$x = 4
Write-Output $x.GetType()
$x = "Hello" #fails here!
Write-Output $x.GetType()

However, you can still change the type, if you declare the new type. This change to line 3 will make the code run again:

[int]$x = 4
Write-Output $x.GetType()
[string]$x = "Hello" #Success!
Write-Output $x.GetType()

Multiple variables can be created in one line of code. The first line will assign 1 to $a, 2 to $b and 3 to $c.

$a, $b, $c = 1, 2, 3
Write-Output $a
Write-Output $b
Write-Output $c

If you want type checking enforced on these variables, the type name are added next to each variable.

[int]$a, [int]$b, [int]$c = 1, 2, 3
Write-Output $a
Write-Output $b
Write-Output $c

The output is:


Categories: PowerShell

Tags: Variables

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