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Anders Hesselbom

Programmerare, skeptiker, sekulärhumanist, antirasist.
Författare till bok om C64 och senbliven lantis.
Röstar pirat.

Category: Skeptical movement

Radio Houdi

I have just finished editing the final episode och the podcast i do with John Houdi, Radio Houdi, so if you are in to entertainment and skepticism in Swedish, this is the podcast for you. Perhaps we will do this again sometime. A sample from episo [...]

Shame on you, Microsoft!

This is Deepak Chopra: Chopra is an pseudo scientist and a magical healer who uses (or missuses) scientific buzzwords to make his mumbo jumbo sound plausible. Now, guess who Microsoft hires to inspire their partners in this years world wid [...]

Skeptikerforum stänger 2012-06-01

Skeptikerforum, inklusive mediasidan, stängs permanent 2012-06-01. För den som vill debattera eller läsa om det senaste inom skeptikerrörelsen rekommenderas: VoF's diskussionsforum Skeptikerpodden Om du har inlägg eller länkar [...]

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