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PhotoName 2.0 is progressing
Now PhotoName 2.0 is working well but it must be completed with all the features that PhotoName 1.x has and the documents has to be updated. I am really excited about getting it out for download. An early screenshot:
Photoname Portable, the command line arguments
These are the command line arguments that control the actions of pnp.exe, that you can send to it: -fld [folder] Renames all images in a specific folder. Specify the folder with images you want to rename, or type start to search for image [...]
Hur används den portabla versionen av Photoname?
This is basically a Swedish version of this post.
Photoname Portable
The portable version of Photoname (pnp.exe) doesn't have a GUI, but it is pretty simple to use anyway. You can either start it from the command interface and pass arguments to it to tell it what to do, or you can double click on it, and then tell it [...]
PhotoName improvements, December 2009
The following changes are made to PhotoName. The Options dialog (click Behaviour and Other settings) lets you control what will happen if you double click an image in the list. A new drop down menu (Edit) is added to the menu bar. From there yo [...]
Make a HTML gallery from your photos
The latest feature in PhotoName: Make a HTML gallery from a bunch of photos! Download PhotoName from here. If you have a previous version installed, remember to uninstall that first (from the Windows Control Panel).
PhotoName improvements, October 2009
A new dialog for manipulating the programs behavior is added. From there, you can tell PhotoName what to do with images that lacks an embedded photo date. Download PhotoName from this page, but remember to uninstall any previous version first. For [...]
PhotoName improvements, September 2009
Two changes have been made. PhotoName does a more effective image caching to be able to display thumbnails faster, and a directory list is added. The directory list can be used to navigate to any child directory or to the parent directory, [...]
F# and PhotoName
I have just decided to look in to F#, the new functional .NET language by Microsoft. It installs with Visual Studio 2010, and it can be installed for Visual Studio 9. I use Visual Studio 9 for my everyday work, so I installed it from here (click on t [...]
PhotoName improvements, June 2009
A smaller update of the graphical user interface is done. I have also changed the screen shot on the program page, to reflect this change.
PhotoName improvements, May 2009
Added: A checkbox is displayed that allows you to only load images that haven't been renamed yet. This saves loading time for the application. PhotoName doesn't really know what images that has been renamed, it uses a simple RegEx to determine the fo [...]
PhotoName improvements, Januari 2009
Here are the improvements made to the PhotoName tool in Januari 2009: The folder browser remembers the last working folder. This is likely to reduce the time it takes to find the folder you want to work with. Since the images are loaded, thumbnai [...]
The ExifWorks class
I have written a small program that renames image files in a fashion that they will be sorted in a chronological order by photo date when they are sorted on the filename. To do this, I had to extract the EXIF information to be able to read the photo [...]
Bjud mig på en kopp kaffe (20:-) som tack för bra innehåll!